Student Athlete Handbook

Code of Conduct for Plainville Athletes

The following behavior will be considered serious violations of the Plainville High School athlete’s code of school rules:

  1. Infraction of school rules requiring administrative action.
  2. Theft or malicious destruction of school property or individual equipment.
  3. Unexcused absences from practices or contests.
  4. Unexcused absences from class.
  5. Unsportsmanlike conduct toward an opponent, official, fan, coach, or teammate, or use of profanity during practices or games.
  6. Unsportsmanlike conduct of any kind as a spectator at an athletic contest.
  7. Any form of hazing, which is defined as an activity that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or admission to a team. Those responsible will be disciplined even if the student agrees to participate.

Disciplinary action, ranging from suspension from competition in a contest to removal from the team can be imposed for violation of rules. The nature of the offense and its frequency determine the appropriate disciplinary action. This disciplinary action will be left up to the discretion of the coach. Any disciplinary action by a coach, that involves removal of an athlete from a team, must be approved by the Athletic Director and can be appealed by the athlete or his/her parents. Each case will be handled individually, but at the same time in a fair and consistent manner.

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